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TSA events

The Office of the TSA will be holding events where you can tell the Special Administrator what you think.  See them here

Wednesday, 28th November, 10am-4pm.  Ladywell Leisure Centre.  See here.

Matthew Kershaw will be coming to Lewisham on:

Tuesday 4th December, Calabash Centre, St George’s Lane, 7pm.  See here

2 thoughts on “TSA events

  1. Augustine norville says:

    There are a few things that concern me with this proposal and what it means for the public in Lewisham.
    1) what has the south London trust got to do with the lewisham?
    2) can you explain any benefits that we will see locally to your proposal ?
    3) Goverments have made decisions around the the building of new hospitals across the country which have never taken into account the long termimpact on the local community. With none of the profits from selling public land and building Expensive houses benefiting the local community long term. What grantees do we have that your proposals will benefit the local public?
    4) in your report I see not risk assessment or mitigation if your proposal is incorrect. Where is the risk register? Will TSA take full reponsibility for ensuring that this proposal work?

  2. saz says:

    It is an attack on poor people we need our hospital.
    we need to come together and fight for our hospital.
    we have told the government we don’t want our hospital to close they have not asked us . they are gonna go ahead and try and shut it. sounds like a dictatorship to me.
    we should have the final word as the people!
    if we don’t make some noise about it they will close it notice how its not on the news much they want to do it quietly.
    we need to go to the visual on the 13th in the thousands and show them we don’t want what they propose.


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