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Our documents

A list of recent documents all in one place
To download or in some cases links.
As and if the page grows it can be subdivided.

Other key documents shared more publicly can be found on

Campaign strategy doc  adopted at AGM April 2014
SLH STANDING ORDERS Final  adopted at AGM 2014

Five Year Strategy Five Year Trust strategy
initial document, June 2014
As stated by CEO Tim Higginson this is an initial document to be worked up over the next period.

SEL Strategy 20 June 2014 Five year 6 Borough strategy, June 2014
Background to the Strategy Documents (from Jane Mandlik)
The Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory body of Lewisham Council and is required to carry out a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) of the borough and the CCG is required to produce a commissioning strategy which is in line with the results of the JSNA.
Each CCG is required to collaborate with its neighbouring CCGs so as to optimise use of resources when dealing with shared issues and to achieve economies of scale through joint commissioning. The SEL document lays out how our sector CCGs propose to work together. The latest draft was submitted for approval on 20th June but as I understand it there will be further consultation with stakeholders before the document is finalised.
Other CCG documents referred by Jane Mandlik at campaign meeting 21st July 201:
NHS Lewisham Prospectus 2013
NHS Lewisham CCG Commissioning strategy 2013-18
These two documents can be found on:

Jane adds: The Prospectus is a very readable document and explains  the role, responsibilities etc. of the CCG. Campaign members should  familiarise themselves with it to avoid wasting time on basic questions  when the CCG make their presentation to the general meeting.
Press statement from meeting with Monitor 29.7.14 Press release for monitor
Community care
Final report of Appreciative enquiry into best community care

Other campaigns
Good precis on closures announced for West London from MP Andy Worthington


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